Tuesday, 3 April 2018

Horticulture Fair at the University of Horticultural Sciences (UHS), Bagalkot

The University of Horticultural Sciences, Bagalkot, continuously strives to transfer technologies to the needy farmers. To further this cause, the University in collaboration with Departments of Horticulture, Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and other developmental Departments of Karnataka organized "Totagarika Mela" from 19 to 21 December, 2015.

Green revolution started in India in the year 1965-66. Thus, the year 2015 marks the completion of 50 years of Green Revolution. Second, the United Nations Organisation (UNO) declared 2015 as the ‘International Year of Soils’. Combining these two milestones, the University chose “Healthy Soils for a Healthy Life” as the theme for the Mela. Accordingly, the mela focussed on technologies related to soils such as types of soils, soil micronutrients, soil biota, soil structure, soil fertility, soil profile, soil maps of Karnataka, soil minerals and water conservation techniques and integrated farming systems. A souvenir on 'World of Soils' covering articles from eminent soil scientists was released.

The Mela exhibits include Hi-tech Horticulture, Mechanization in Horticulture, Exhibition of fruits,
flowers and vegetables, Use of e-Extension in horticulture, information on credit facilities available for farmers from banks and finance institutions, exhibition of products developed by self help groups (SHGs) and women’s group, exhibition on medicinal plants, exhibition and marketing of quality seeds, seedlings and tissue culture plants, Honey exhibition and Universities/ICAR/Govt. Department stalls. 
The Mela facilitated one-to-one interaction between farmer and scientists of various departments on issues ranging from soil preparation to production to marketing of Horticulture produce. About 23 districts come under the jurisdiction of the University. The University felicitated and awarded Best Horticulture Farmer / Farm women from these districts.

Dr. N.K. KrishnaKumar, Deputy Director General (Horticulture), Krishi Anusandhan Bhawan, New Delhi and Dr. D. L. Maheswar, Vice-chancellor UHS, Bagalkot inaugurated the “Horti-Business and Export Knowledge Centre” in UHS, Bagalkot, under Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana. The Knowledge centre will focus on technical and thematic support for marketing of horticulture crops and planning and evaluation of horticulture business. The Centre would facilitate the Horticulture farmer groups
to identify profitable markets and export opportunities. 
(Contact bc@commodityindia.com or 080-25276152/53 for feedback on the article and consultancy related to consumer trends, market entry, supply chain or procurement solutions, feasibility reports etc. related to agribusiness. Do visit our website www.commodityindia.com (business consultancy page) for further details.)

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